Sand tiger shark Shutterstock

Roy Bowles Transport made a snappy delivery of two sand tiger sharks, an example of which is pictured, to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth last week.

The Heathrow-based operator proved that the task was not out of its depth by delivering the killer cargo from the airport to the aquarium in about five hours last Wednesday (28 October).

The sharks, 3ft-long Tony and 5ft-long Storm, were transported in specialist plastic tanks in a trailer heated to 23C.

Roy Bowles shark delivery

The truck was double-manned to allow minimum transit time, and was followed by the aquarium’s veterinary team who carried out checks on the way.

Director Steve Bowles was interviewed on Chris Evans’s Radio 2 show as part of its coverage of the RHA’s National Lorry Week, which Bowles said was a “great way to get across to the general public what an important industry this is”.

“I think the [shark delivery] stopped Chris Evans in his tracks,” said Bowles.