
A recent ExxonMobil survey of European fleet managers found 40% of those polled cited continued challenging economic conditions and volatile markets as their biggest business challenges.

This makes understanding and minimising the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a truck fleet even more important as competition for available business are likely to keep rates low in the current climate.

However, calculating the true TCO of different vehicles can be a complicated task. So ExxonMobil has produced the definitive guide to TCO, from how to calculate and measure it to the steps operators can take to reduce it, including the use of high performance lubricants.

The guide is available as a free download and to launch this invaluable aid to keeping a lid on costs ExxonMobil in association with Motor Transport held a webinar on the subject of TCO.

The panel included James Hookham, deputy chief executive of the FTA, who has contributed to the guide, ExxonMobil CVL marketing advisor Guillaume Malandain and Volvo key account manager Scott Sandford.

To listen to the webinar and download the guide go to the ExxonMobil website.