Building products firm Forterra provided one of its lorries to a safety event at Silverstone in order that young drivers could be taught about road safety and reduce avoidable accidents.

It’s the third consecutive year the Northampton-based manufacturer has helped out the road safety group Northamptonshire Highways for its CarKraft workshop.

By educating new drivers before they take to the roads, the safety event can help lower the likelihood of collisions and it instils core safety principals, preventing bad habits forming.

CarKraft events are typically attended by a range of drivers aged 17-30, though older drivers can attend too.

All attendees get to explore road safety protocols in a variety of vehicles, from lorries such as Forterra’s HGV, to Volvo cars and even Porsches.

The Forterra truck was predominantly used to educate drivers on the importance of maintaining a constant awareness of blind spots while driving.

Keith Millard from Northamptonshire Highways said: “We’re delighted to host yet another safety event aimed at equipping young drivers with safety-savvy practices.

“The continued support of companies such as Forterra is immensely helpful in getting this message across.”

The Forterra vehicle was used to educate drivers about HGV blind spots

The Forterra vehicle was used to educate drivers about HGV blind spots

Source: Unsworth Sugden

Rory Locker, area transport manager at Forterra, added: “We believe that events like this are incredibly important. Our drivers are vital to Forterra as a company, and safety is of course a priority.

“The CarKraft events last year were a huge success, so we’re delighted to see that this one has proved just as effective and entertaining for the young drivers attending.”