Pets at Home Cartwright stepframe double deck trailers

Pets a Home has taken delivery of 11 Cartwright step-frame double deck trailers.

The curtainsiders, which went into service last month, feature Cheetah aerodynamic profiles and a Moffett at the rear of the trailer.

Pets at Home general manager for transport Steve Travis said: "We have developed over time a very good working relationship with the Cartwright team."

He added that Cartwright's willingness to tailor the deal was "a testament to how receptive they are to meeting our specification".

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Andy Jarvis, Cartwright's regional sales director, said: "Pets at Home has been a valued customer of Cartwright for over six years.

"Whether they have a need for a particular specification to meet their operational requirements or for our rental products as back up cover, we have the flexibility to offer a complete package".

By Joe Creffield