D. Perfect & Sons has marked its 10th year collaborating with Davies Turner by having one of its Volvo trucks liveried in its partner’s corporate logo.

The alliance provides Davies Turner with a dedicated HGV fleet to move consolidated containers between its RDC in Dartford and Felixstowe, London Gateway and Southampton ports.

It said that with the domestic and international haulage market still struggling with a lack of drivers, port congestion and forward bookings, the alliance was providing surety of service for its international ocean freight import and export consol services.

Tony Cole, director at Davies Turner, said: “We find that merchant haulage, which our alliance with D. Perfect & Sons offers, enables us to book haulage in advance and guarantees that the tractor unit will be available when and where we want it.

“It helps us to secure timely transport of our clients’ consol containers, enabling us to deliver the flexibility, timeliness and reliability that they require.”

Left to right: Tony Cole with Dave Perfect and the new Volvo sign written in Davies Turner livery

Left to right: Tony Cole with Dave Perfect and the new Volvo sign written in Davies Turner livery

Source: Impress Communications

D. Perfect MD Dave Perfect added: “Davies Turner is one of our largest customers and an excellent partner. It is really pleasing that our relationship continues to develop and grow.

“To mark our 10-year working relationship we have recently had one of our Volvo FH5 tractor units that we have added to our fleet sign written with Davies Turner’s corporate livery.”