
Work has begun this week on a new, segregated cycle superhighway in Nottingham City centre following a public consultation earlier this year.

The Western Corridor is one of the new routes proposed in the £6.1m Nottingham Cycle City Ambition Programme (NCCAP) and links the city centre to Woodside Road, Lenton.

It will be segregated from other traffic and feature signals that prioritise cyclists.

Nottingham City Council warned that temporary traffic measures will be in place during the works, which will cause localised restrictions, with affected residents and businesses on the route informed in advance.

Councillor Nick McDonald, portfolio holder for growth, jobs and transport at Nottingham City Council, said: “The start of the cycle super-highway roadworks is a really exciting development for the city. The route links up the University of Nottingham to the city centre. We know it will prove to be popular with commuters and leisure cyclists and provides a real showcase to demonstrate how high we are setting our standards for Nottingham’s cycling future.”

Nottingham City Council is also preparing a cycle route design guide to show how cycling facilities will be designed over the coming year, and is looking for the views on the guide from all road users by 31 October. The draft guide can be viewed here and comments and thoughts sent to

Work to build the city’s new cycle superhighway is due to be completed by 29 April 2016.