High risk roads in England will get new junctions, roundabouts and surfacing works in a £38m package aimed at boosting safety.

The government said its investment was expected to save 385 lives over the next 20 years, as well as cut congestion and improve journey times.

The cash will deliver improvements on 17 roads, including the A19, A6, A41 and the A583 in Lancashire and covers the network from Devon to Durham.

The investment also includes better signage and road markings and improving pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes and comes on top of the £147.5m already invested in 82 risky roads.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “Britain’s roads are some of the safest in the world, but we are always looking at ways to help keep drivers and all road users safe.

“As part of the government’s plan to improve roads across the country, we’re providing an extra £38 million so that local councils in England have the support they need to keep everyone safe, while reducing congestion and helping to grow the economy.”

The RAC Foundation described the investment from the safer road fund as a “hugely welcome gift that keeps on giving”.

Steve Gooding, director at the RAC Foundation said: “Today’s announcement means another 120 miles of safer road improvements will be delivered to the benefit of users.

“Such incremental improvements are key to achieving our collective aim for a safer road network as a whole.”