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Fleet 200 Home | Total Vehicles | By Hire and Reward | By Own Account


This table shows the total number of vehicles specified to O-licences held by the largest own-account HGV fleets in Great Britain, according to research by Motortransport.co.uk.

By Own-Account, Motortransport.co.uk refers to businesses carrying their own goods in the course of their trade and business in Great Britain and on international journeys.


Traditionally, these businesses would have held a restricted O-licence but several operators on this list are holders of standard national and standard international O-licences for various business reasons.


Our interactive table also allow you to rank this data set alphabetically, or by business type, should you so wish. To view a similar data set for just hire and reward operators or for a combination of hire and reward and own-account operators, please click on the navigation bar above.

These tables are based on data supplied by the Office of the Traffic Commissioners via a Freedom of Information request. They are to be used as a guide to fleet sizes, and not as a definitive record.

Operators listed in the Fleet 200 are entitled to change fleet sizes at any time in line with the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995. Any queries regarding vehicles specified to O-licences should be directed to the company itself, or the Office of the Traffic Commissioners.

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