
A haulage firm in the Midlands has been given the green light to build on disused land in Walsall and park up to 40 HGVs.

PMT Haulage had to wait almost five months for a decision by the council on its application to convert almost 1.4 acres of wasteland in Darlaston into a secure haulage yard.

The plans include employing an extra eight staff – two security guards and six HGV drivers.

The site, which is close to the M6 and A4038, will be used 24 hours a day, with between 10 and 40 lorries or trailers parked on it at its maximum.

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The application stated: “All lorries and trailers will be reversed into the bay so as to ensure easy and visible exit from the parking bay and from the site.”

A decision had been delayed after Walsall Council demanded a noise survey was carried out, despite its agents saying the proposal would have no impact on neighbouring tenants and businesses.

But it has now signed off the application, opening the door for PMT’s business expansion.

However, the council has attached conditions to the application, including that all HGVs must not use standard audible reversing alarms; that vehicle horns are not used between 11pm and 7am and that no refrigerated trailers are used on site at any time.

PMT Haulage currently holds a standard national O-licence in the West Midlands traffic area authorising six lorries and six trailers out of a base in Tipton in Sandwell.