Chancerygate is set to tackle a shortage of quality logistics space in Sussex after being granted planning permission to develop a former Sony logistics hub near Horsham into a 103,000sq ft scheme.

The commercial and industrial developer will speculatively build seven units ranging from 8,325sq ft to 33,940sq ft on the 4.59 acre site called Audio Park.

The development is targeting a BREEAM accreditation of ‘Very Good’ and for all units to achieve an EPC B rating as a minimum.

The £27m scheme sits on the Southwater Business Park close to the A24 between Crawley and Worthing.

Chancerygate development director, Matthew Young, said the scheme will help fill a gap in the availability of good quality logistic hubs in the county.

He said: ”There is strong demand for sustainable, Grade A urban logistics units in Horsham and the wider Sussex region.

“Audio Park will meet this demand and enable occupiers in the locality to access high-specification, strategically located industrial warehouse accommodation.

“Much of the existing urban logistics stock in mid-Sussex is second hand with low sustainability credentials and is only available on a leasehold basis.

”We have already seen strong interest in the scheme and anticipate this will grow further now planning has been granted,” he added.