Highways England (HE) has warned HGV drivers not to ignore road closures on the A5 in Warwickshire after receiving reports of vehicles flouting the law.
Essential maintenance between Redgate and Higham has meant the A5 is closed in the evenings, but HE bosses said lorries were attempting to access the route from the nearby A444.
“We are receiving reports from other road users that heavy goods vehicles and other vehicles are attempting to access the A5 at the A444 Longshoot despite the road being closed from 8pm,” HE said.
“This means they are trying to turn around in limited road space and have caused damage to the roadside.”
HE has appealed for all motorists to follow diversions and plan alternative routes away from the A444/A5 junction during the overnight closures.
The maintenance work, which includes resurfacing, new road markings and anti-skid surfacing at junctions along the route, is due to be completed in October.