The new council for net-zero transport has launched a strategic advisory group, which will enable organisations to provide evidence and make representations to inform the roadmap to net zero.

Made up of senior leaders of cross-sector trade organisations, the group includes the chief executives of the RHA, BVRLA and Energy UK.

The advisory group’s launch came as Zemo Partnership published guidance for the government on delivering net zero transport.

It sets out the key principles to achieving the transition, including acting swiftly, taking a multi-path approach, delivering at national, regional and local level and applying net zero solutions across the whole economy.

Chair of the council for net zero transport, Lord Deben, said: “Climate change will get worse every year and this means that it is crucial for the government and industry to work together to focus on delivering the UK’s legally binding target of net zero by 2050.

“The UK can and must deliver on the many opportunities offered by the fast-growing green economy.

“As we move into delivery, we must also face the difficult questions that we know must be addressed. That’s why now is the time to have an honest conversation about what will replace fuel duty.

“Road pricing cannot be dismissed.”

Zemo’s executive director Claire Haigh added: “The climate challenge is more urgent than ever.

“A record 15 national heat records have been broken so far in 2024. Emissions - especially from transport - will need to decline much more rapidly if the UK’s targets are to be achieved.”

Haigh said: “The more we delay, the more the net zero transition will cost. We must move fast to seize the opportunities.

“An ambitious industrial strategy would act as a catalyst for new technologies and innovation, bringing jobs and manufacturing to the UK.

“If we get this right, we will build a cleaner, safer and fairer future for us all.”

Launched in June, the council for net zero transport was established to support accelerated transport decarbonisation.