A free webinar to be held on 22 July by Aquarius IT in association with Commercial Motor will explore the benefits of electronic versus paper when it comes to managing and reporting on road worthiness and compliance.
The keynote speaker will be former senior traffic commissioner Beverley Bell CBE, now director of Beverley Bell Consulting, who will be offering her expert insight on governance and the importance of creating a level playing field in the commercial vehicle industry when it comes to driver and vehicle safety and compliance. Using examples from her six years as a TC, she will explain why it’s important for operators to have all the necessary checks and balances in place so as not to give the authorities an ‘excuse’ to investigate further.
Operators wishing to join the DVSA’s flagship Earned Recognition scheme also need IT systems that can report every four weeks on a number of key performance indicators. As a result, Aquarius IT has seen a surge in enquiries for its new Asset Maintenance portal, which was recently accredited by the DVSA alongside its Daily Driver Defect app.
Asset Maintenance is the latest product to be added to ClockWatcher Elite’s suite of digital fleet management solutions, and has been designed to provide a full audit trail and complete paperless storage solution for all company assets requiring periodic maintenance or inspection; from company vehicles to workshop equipment.
Uniquely, it also integrates with the software’s tacho analysis system and defect app, to provide operators with an all-encompassing automated digital solution for managing both vehicle maintenance and inspection and driver activity.
Aquarius IT’s customer service director Mark Johnston has led the development of Asset Maintenance over the last 18 months in consultation with transport operators. He said; “Roadworthiness and compliance are fundamental to the Earned Recognition scheme (and indeed any reputable road transport operation), and with ClockWatcher Elite, we have developed a suite of programmes that all integrate to provide operators with an all-encompassing solution for managing and reporting on the driver and vehicle measures required by the DVSA.
“Our Daily Driver Defect app, for example, not only reports vehicle data in real time, it also allows information from the driver’s daily checks to be fed into the Asset Maintenance element of the software. Through this integration, defects and PMIs can be assigned to mechanics with a simple click of a button. Similarly, the accessibility of any tachograph data which is uploaded to our analysis portal allows for a fuller picture when it comes to vehicles being listed as 'Vehicle Off Road'.
“This ability to interpret and report on 360 degree, real-time digital data, enables operators to react more quickly, forward plan and monitor costs – moreover, it gives operators the facility to clearly demonstrate best practise to the authorities if needed and enables those signed up to the Earned Recognition scheme to accurately report on the driver and vehicle performance measures required.”
Register now for this free webinar which will take place at 2pm on 22 July for around one hour.