Nationa Fair fuel Day

FairFuelUK (FFUK) is preparing it’s strongest argument yet as to why the government should stop raising fuel duty and actually lower it instead.

An economic modelling study, funded by FFUK backer RHA, has been carried out by the National Institute of Economics and Social Research, and is predicted to reveal further duty rises will be "devastating for the economy".

"We have issued an invitation to the Treasury to sit down with us and go through the findings of this research," said FFUK founder Peter Carroll, "and we have received a strong indication that our invitation will be accepted shortly."

Although FFUK backed Robert Halfon’s recent parliamentary debate (13 September) which called for the government to launch a full investigation into the role oil companies play in maintaining high fuel prices, FFUK points out that the government takes the majority share of the cost of a litre of fuel in tax.

"It was a good debate but we can’t let the government off the hook. They are planning to put duty up 3ppl in January. In the next few weeks we plan to demonstrate directly to the Treasury, using hard economic evidence, that raising duty will do more harm than good to the economy."