An independent review into the running of the DVSA has been launched, with findings and recommendations expected to be published this summer.

The agency was established in 2013 following the merger of the driver standards agency and VOSA and its responsibilities include enforcement checks, HGV tests, vehicle recalls and theory and practical tests.

The DVSA also works with the traffic commissioners to licence and regulate the haulage industry.

The government said the agency’s role, including as a regulator, would evolve as new technology, including connected and autonomous vehicles, start being deployed on UK roads.

The review is being led by an external independent reviewer, Sarika Patel, a non-executive director at the office for nuclear regulation.

It will assess the DVSA on the ‘four pillars’ set by the cabinet office: efficiency, efficacy, accountability and governance.

Patel, supported by a review team within the department for transport, will consult with stakeholders, including government departments, businesses and representative bodies, as well as the DVSA’s board, its staff and management.

Roads minister Guy Opperman said: “This review will help us understand how the DVSA can continue to improve, evolving alongside vehicle technology and keeping Britain moving safely and sustainably.”

Nick Bitel, DVSA non-executive chair, added: “These regular, independent reviews of public sector bodies are always helpful, and we value the opportunity to highlight our achievements and build on them, as we work towards achieving our vision for the future.”