Planned strikes by DHL workers have been cancelled after the staff voted to accept a 15% pay rise, union Unite revealed today.

The DHL deal also delivers an uplift in skills pay, which will see some DHL workers' hourly rates increase by up to 31%.

In addition, a new shift premium of £1.25 per hour for between midnight and 5am has also been secured, increasing workers’ hourly rates by 23% and 43% during those hours.

However ongoing pay disputes at the airport with cargo handling and ground support firms Menzies, ASC and GGS could still disrupt deliveries to and from the airport.

Referring to the DHL deal Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “This is an excellent result secured by the steadfast position of our DHL members. Once again, workers are gaining real material benefits from Unite’s absolute focus on improving jobs, pay and conditions.”

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ASC and Menzies workers are currently balloting on improved offers. If the ASC workers reject the pay offer, they will go ahead with strike action scheduled between 28 July and 1 August as well as strikes between 4 August and 8 August. Strikes by Menzies workers between 28 July and 1 August have been suspended, however if the offer is rejected, strikes between 4 August and 8 August will go ahead.

In better news, Unite said talks with GGS are progressing in a positive direction. Strike action by GGS workers scheduled between 28 July and 1 August has been suspended to allow negotiations to continue, with strike action between 4 August and 8 August still scheduled to go ahead if a satisfactory outcome is not reached in time.

Unite regional officer Dominic Rothwell said: “Strikes by DHL workers have now been cancelled. ASC and Menzies workers are being balloted on new offers and talks are progressing with GGS. Unite will be making no further comment until the outcome of the ballots and negotiations are known later this week.