Darren Newman.

Darren Newman.

Darren Newman has worked in the commercial vehicle sector for 35 years, beginning life as an apprentice with Renault in Dunstable where he continued to work in product, marketing and engineering roles. Subsequently working for Mercedes and then Volvo in different sales and engineering roles at both manufacturers and ultimately working in alternative fuels sales.

He established Low Carbon Truck Consultancy Ltd. in 2020 to work with operators navigating the landscape of carbon emissions, he takes an active role in industry groups and forums and has a focus on the practical realities of transport decarbonisation.

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    EU CO2 Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles

    22 April 2024

    This week we welcome back regular commentator Darren Newman to give us his take on new CO2 regulations making their way through the EU legislative process.

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    The opportunities for artificial intelligence in road freight transport

    25 January 2024

    For this week’s commentary, we’ve handed the pen to regular contributor Darren Newman, for his thoughts on the great leap forward Artificial Intelligence (AI) could facilitate in the road freight sector.

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    Redrawing the truck brand differentiation battleground

    29 September 2023

    For this week’s commentary, Darren Newman has been musing on how brands will differentiate themselves in a carbon zero world where energy tariffs are more important than miles per gallon…

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    Let’s not consign biofuels to the scrapheap…

    15 February 2023

    Last week another report was published extolling the virtues of battery electric trucks. While there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with that or the findings of the report, there are so many hurdles to cross before we get to this electrified nirvana, that we can’t help thinking we’re missing a few tactical ...

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    MT Article

    Is it time for a TCO rethink?

    19 December 2022

    Total Cost of Ownership calculations are often used to compare the costs of alternative vehicles over their operating lifetime. Whether comparing between traditional diesel vehicles or looking into alternative fuels or technologies, TCO has been the go-to method to compare capital cost (Cap-Ex) and operating cost (Op-Ex) over time to ...

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    What’s all the fuss about Scope 3 emissions reporting?

    22 November 2022

    We’ve heard a lot of references to Scope 3 emissions in our discussions over the past few weeks. It’s an important regulatory development which all transport operators should have on their radar. We thought we’d kick off with a short explainer.