Brigade Electronics is warning operators to be aware that TfL has changed the Direct Vision Standards on the positioning of sensors on articulated trucks.

The changes were prompted by concerns that sensors fitted to articulated lorries could be triggered by the truck turning left rather than by the presence of a cyclist or pedestrian.

The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) specification has been altered to make clear that that sensors on artic cabs must be “suitably positioned to provide sufficient coverage, but preventing activation solely on articulation of the trailer.”

The update, which has not been formally announced by TfL, will prevent false positive warnings from sensors when the vehicle is turning left.

Emily Hardy, UK marketing manager of Brigade Electronics, told MT: “We regularly check the DVS specifications for changes and noticed this change in December.”

Brigades Backeye VBV 300C (compact flush mount eyeball camera)

She added: “This new wording now offers more flexibility on the positioning of sensors on tractor units and resolves one of our main concerns on this specification. However operators may not be aware of the subtle change to the DVS specification.”

“We warmly welcome the changes. The previous specification stated that sensors should not be set off by street furniture – it is good to see that they now must not be set off by the lorry trailers themselves,” she said, adding that “professional fitting of sensors can make a world of difference to their effectiveness.”

The DVS, which was launched by TfL to cut the number of accidents caused by cyclists entering blind spots around HGVs, will come into force on 26 October this year.

All HGVs over 12 tonnes will require a permit to drive into Greater London.

The legislation is based on a star rating from 0 to 5, which grades the level of vision a driver has from the cab in relation to other road users. Zero-rated HGVs will have to install extra devices for indirect vision, including fitting cameras, extra mirrors, side under-run protection, audible alerts when the vehicle is turning left and sensors, under DSV’s Safe System requirement..

Zero-rated trucks and those that have not complied with the Safe System will be banned from entering Greater London from 26 October 2020. By 2024 the minimum DVS requirements will rise to three stars.