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Throughout the year The’s business blog – has brought you the real stories behind the headlines. So, without further ceremony, here are some of the many highlights of the year.

  • What price Euro-6?: There is only one thing wrong with Euro-6 – “and that’s the price”. Controversial?
  • BBC’s One Show does cycle safety and lorry bans:The Hub isn’t a follower of BBC’s The One Show, finding its middle-of-the-road, magazine format randomness unappealing. However last night’s topic of HGVs and cycle safety caught the attention.
  • Chris Boardman and the art of cycling in London: The never-ending media storm around the issue of cycle safety in London continued with preeminent British cyclist Chris Boardman calling, by way of an open letter, for a city-wide ban of HGVs during ‘rush hour’.

And finally….