The Metropolitan Police’s Cycle Task Force has unveiled the latest tool to help it in its Exchanging Places cyclist safety awareness programme – an MAN TGX truck.
The truck, which the Met's Cycle Task Force has leased for a year with funding from TfL, will be used at 120 Exchanging Places events around London during 2014. The events help make cyclists more aware of how restricted the field of vision really is for HGV drivers, and encourage them to stay clear of their blind spots.
The arrival of the MAN removes the programme’s dependence to date on what has been the "fantastic generosity" of the haulage community in providing vehicles for cyclists to get into, said head of the Cycle Task Force Sergeant Simon Castle (pictured) during the vehicle’s inaugural event at Westminster Abbey last week.
"We are extremely grateful to MAN and TfL for helping us acquire this superb new vehicle. Its sole purpose is to help us promote safer cycling, particularly when sharing the road with trucks," he said.
So far, added Castle, more than 12,000 cyclists have undergone the Exchanging Places experience with over 97% saying they would change their riding style as a result.
"With the new MAN in our tool kit, I anticipate even more cyclists will want to climb aboard and get the driver’s eye view," said Castle.
Construction operator Keltbray is a supporter of the Exchanging Places initiative.