Martin H 1 (1)

A Yodel employee who started his career as a warehouse operative has risen through the ranks and has now completed his certificate of professional competence (CPC) licence.

Martin Heathcote, transport team manager in Oldham, can now progress further after attaining the licence and aims to achieve his north east operators’ licence so that he can take on the responsibility of managing Yodel’s fleet at its depot in Leeds.

Heathcote, who has worked at the parcel carrier for 21 years, said: “I’m very proud to have completed my CPC licence and I’m grateful to Yodel for the opportunity to be able to progress in my career with this qualification.

“I haven’t sat in a classroom since college so to do that for eight hours a day and then get homework too was definitely a shock to the system, but it’s all been worth it in the end.”