The coalition behind the Zero Emission Van Plan (ZEVP) has written to the new Transport Secretary urging her to take action to get electric van usage on track, amid a “crisis” in the market.

The letter to Louise Haigh calls on her to implement the ZEVP and overcome barriers to introducing electric vans in the UK.

Adoption rates of e-vans lag behind other European countries and according to a report last year by the Climate Change Committee, remain “significantly off track”.

The situation has remained unchanged over the last 12 months with recent SMMT figures showing electric vans accounting for less than 5% of registrations so far in 2024.

The BVRLA said the zero-emission van transition is in crisis and demand was constrained by the weak functionality of vans on the market and poor real-world TCO.

The ZEVP calls for improved charging infrastructure for vans; the removal of regulatory barriers and increased fiscal support to make e-vans affordable.

A spokesperson for the Zero Emission Van Plan, said: “Registrations for electric vans have stalled, from an already low starting point.

“The ZEV mandate has been introduced to stimulate supply, but demand is lagging. Van operators are struggling to make the transition work, facing barrier after barrier across vehicle quality, performance, cost, and charging infrastructure.

“The Zero Emission Van Plan is clear. For the transition to work, we need increased fiscal support, improved charging and the removal of regulatory barriers. We are calling on the new government to take decisive action to make electric vans a realistic option for millions of drivers.”