Ferryspeed said it had saved more than £250,000 in trailer procurement since it introduced fleet management solution Webfleet.

The freight shipping specialist installed the software three years ago to enhance its ability to track and manage its fleet of more than 600 vehicles and trailers.

It said Webfleet had been instrumental in its procurement strategy and enabled it to make data-driven decisions on trailer replacements.

It also resulted in a 20% improvement in trailer utilisation.

Nick Green, Ferryspeed group executive director, said: “Webfleet’s ability to track and optimise trailer usage was a pivotal factor in our decision to implement the solution.

“With real-time visibility of all our assets, our operations have never been simpler or more efficient.

“We can now procure trailers that precisely meet our needs, resulting in substantial cost savings. Webfleet has even enabled us to design multi-purpose trailers by accurately identifying the specific nature of our trips, reducing the overall number of trailers required.”

The company added that it had also made fuel savings and reduced idling incidents by monitoring driver behaviour.

Last year, Ferryspeed joined the Palletforce network, covering selected PO postcodes around Portsmouth.

The freight shipping specialist introduced Webfleet to enhance its ability to track and manage its fleet.

The freight shipping specialist introduced Webfleet to enhance its ability to track and manage its fleet.

Source: Cameron Wells

It operates a twice-daily shipping service to the Channel Islands from its base in the city.