
Two new 70-tonne Renault trucks have been delivered to plant hire firm Ridgway Rentals for heavy duty work shifting excavators, bulldozers and dump trucks.

The T520 6x2 tag axle tractors with sleeper cabs were added as replacements to Ridgway’s 10-strong, predominantly Renault fleet.

“With an increased demand for our services, we are extremely busy,” said Rob Jones, Ridgway Rentals director.

“The new vehicles have been brought in to replace older stock and to ensure that we have the very best fleet to meet our customer’s needs.

“We find Renault Trucks has a well-deserved reputation for reliability and our drivers are big fans.

“The trucks are out on the road four nights a week and they say driving the T520s is an absolute pleasure; the cab is more comfortable and the bed is better.”

Jones added that the trucks have recently won ‘Best Shropshire Truck’ at the Whitchurch Truck Show and are regularly spotted and snapped by truck spotters on social media: “Seeing the vehicles looking so impressive and celebrated by others is the icing on the cake!”