Sian Morley - Pall-Ex

Pall-Ex Group has taken on Sian Morley as marketing manager.

Morley, who joined the team in April, brings 18 years of experience in the marketing industry, which includes posts in digital marketing agencies - where she worked with major clients including Amex and Continental Tyres - and as a project manager at the Daily Mail Group.

Morley is responsible for the marketing of Pall-Ex (UK), Fortec Distribution Network, the UK membership of both networks and the brand’s international portfolio.

Morley said: “This is my first role within logistics and there has been a lot to learn since my first day at the start of April.

“My time with agencies and working with big name companies has given me the tools I need to support the team and help our members achieve growth.”

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She added: “The focus of this next year will be on promoting Pall-Ex Group’s brand across various channels and growing our international portfolio.

“The team have a fantastic skillset and I am excited to work with our stakeholders to deliver such exceptional marketing in our field."

Pall-Ex Group chief executive, Kevin Buchanan, said he was impressed by Morley’s experience and innovative ideas when she applied for the role.

He added: “Sian has brought fresh ideas to the marketing team and her knowledge of digital marketing will really help the business continue on its pathway to excellence.

“Pall-Ex Group celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2021, so this year is a real landmark for us as a business and I have no doubt that Sian and the team will continue to deliver sector leading marketing to our stakeholders.”