More than 20,000 people have now taken part in Exchanging Places - a road safety scheme that enables cyclists to sit in the seat of an HGV and understand its blindspots.

Run by the Metropolitan Police Service's Roads and Transport Policing Command's Cycle Safety team, the initiative helps members of the public learn what a driver can and can't see from their cab, particularly those blindspots on the nearside and directly in front of the vehicle.

HGV drivers are also invited to sit on a bike alongside a HGV to understand the cyclist’s view of the road.


Transport for London (TfL) said lorries are disproportionately represented in the capital's cycling fatalities, with seven out of eight cycling deaths this year involving an HGV.


Steve Burton, TfL’s director of enforcement and on-street policing, said: “Through these sessions we are able to help cyclists and HGV drivers have a mutual understanding of the challenges they both face while sharing the road and how we can all help to reduce unnecessary injuries.


“Road safety is a key priority for us and we will continue to work with our policing partners to reduce the number of people involved in cycling collisions the capital.”


Exchanging Places events are held across the capital throughout the year at various dates and locations.

September sees the launch of the Safer Lorry Scheme in London, which will require the majority of HGVs entering the capital to be fitted with a range of safety equipment, such as additional mirrors and sideguards, to help protect vulnerable road users.