More than half of project management professionals working in transport and logistics consider themselves to be neurodivergent, according to new research.

A survey found 58% of project professionals in the sector said they were neurodivergent, which includes conditions such as autism, ADHD and dyslexia.

The Association for Project Management (APM) said over 1,000 professionals working in 17 different industries were polled and transport and logistics was the second-highest ranking sector and well above the survey’s average of 31%.

Of these, when asked if their employer was aware of their neurodiversity, 7% said no. In contrast, the survey’s average was 15%.

Another 90% said yes and 3% preferred not to say.

Barriers facing project professionals from disclosing their condition across all sectors included ‘I’ve chosen not to tell them because I don’t feel comfortable (40% agreed) and ‘I don’t see the point in doing so’ (23%).

One in four intended to do so, and 12% did not have an official diagnosis.

However, 100% of the transport and logistics respondents said that, once notified, their employer had made changes to the workplace or their ways of working to accommodate their neurodivergence. The survey’s average was 81%.

Professor Adam Boddison, APM CE, said: “Employers in transport and logistics which embrace neurodivergence not only foster a culture of inclusivity and send out a powerful message that people with neurological differences are valued, but also benefit from unique strengths and perspectives that contribute to creativity, problem-solving and increased productivity.

“It can also unlock valuable insights into customers and stakeholders, leading to improved services and outcomes. Diversity in all its guises adds value to organisations.

“Overall, the importance of encouraging a neurodivergent workforce cannot be overstated. Individuals must feel empowered and supported to do their best work, and once employers have created optimal conditions, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction, retention rates and overall success across the transport sector.”

The survey also found that 81% of transport and logistics respondents agreed with the view that the project profession is one that is welcoming and supportive of people who are neurodivergent – higher than the survey’s average of 64%.

Another 17% neither agreed nor disagreed, and 2% disagreed.