There was a 20% increase in the number of goods vehicle occupant fatalities in Great Britain last year, according to official figures.
In 2019, 66 people died in HGV cabs following road traffic accidents, up from 55 the year before.
Of this number, the Department for Transport (DfT), said 55 were drivers and 11 were passengers of heavy and light goods vehicles.
Overall goods vehicle casualties have shown a decreasing trend, falling by 2% from 5,071 in 2018 to 4,985 in 2019.
Over the same period, goods vehicle traffic has risen slightly, by 2% to 73 billion vehicle miles.
The DfT also said a total of 1,752 people were killed in reported road traffic accidents last year, a 2% reduction on 2018 and similar to the level seen in 2012.
It added that this small decrease may be due to natural variation and the trend in fatalities has been “broadly flat” over the last decade.
In response, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) said it was concerned at the lack of progress made towards reducing road accidents.
Michelle Harrington, RoSPA road safety manager said: “We cannot afford for the 2020s to be another lost decade.
“We hope that the recent UK government road policing consultation will provide an opportunity for a refocus on making our roads safer for all.”