The Fors standard has been updated, with the latest version focusing heavily on improving fleets’ environmental performance.

Fors is refreshed every two years to keep the standard relevant.

Version four, released today by the scheme’s management consortium the Fors Community Partnership (FCP), is said to be the “greenest-ever” version of the standard.

“NOX and particulate matter, noise, alternative drives, tyre and fuel management all come under the spotlight in this update,” said Fors concession director John Hix.

“And we’re responding to best practice development within the industry,” he added. “For example, Fors standard-four introduces at bronze [level] licence-checking using a risk-based verification system that directly accesses the DVLA database.

"Above all, it’s a streamlined document, making it more user-friendly and even more engaging.”

Free training courses and e-learning modules are available to support members in understanding the new requirements.

The shape of the new Fors standard has been developed and decided upon by the Fors Governance & Advisory Standards Group (GSAG), which is a pan-industry group of operators and industry bodies from across the road transport sector.

GSAG was set up to ensure the standard remained abreast of legislation governing the road transport sector, as well as recommending changes and improvements based on real-life trends in the industry.

The introduction of the new standard, which will come into effect from 10 November 2016, does not affect the scheme's fee structure.