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Foreign drivers working for UK operators who returned to their home countries during lockdown are not exempt from the 14-day self-isolation rules, it has emerged.

On 8 June, the government introduced new rules that all international arrivals into the UK are required to self-isolate for a fortnight.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said the measures were being introduced in order that the transmission rate of Covid-19 was kept low and prevented a second wave.

Drivers of goods vehicles are exempt; however Laura Hadzik, solicitor at Backhouse Jones, said any driver who had returned home but now wished to enter the UK and recommence haulage work would still need to self-isolate.

She said: “It’s a particular scenario that has led to many questions for us and one I doubt the government anticipated when they were issuing the guidance and dealing with these restrictions.

“The starting point is that the journey itself must be work related, so unfortunately these drivers are going to be caught by the annual leave scenario and the exemption will not apply to them.

“They will therefore be required to self-isolate.

“This obviously is going to present challenges for operators and drivers and it’s something you do need to be aware of because I think there has been some sort of misconception that the drivers would be exempt in these circumstances and clearly that’s not the case.”