
Tom Jenkins, Europa central services director

Europa Worldwide Group said it had taken the next step towards future-proofing its operations and becoming net zero after beginning a partnership with emissions management platform Pledge.

It said that by leveraging Pledge’s technology and expertise, Europa’s customers could better manage their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

Europa said Pledge’s platform allows customers to track, measure, report, and reduce their carbon footprint, offsetting residual emissions using verified carbon removal and offsetting projects.

The platform is accredited by the Smart Freight Centre for its adherence to the Global Logistics Emissions Council framework, which forms the basis for recent ISO 14083 standards for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions.

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Tom Jenkins, Europa central services director, said: “With increasing regulations and an ethical obligation to understand more about their environmental impact, we wanted to provide our customers with a better way to measure and report their carbon emissions.   

“Pledge’s platform is an ideal solution for us because it allows us to meet the demands of our customers and enable them to take action.”

Pledge CEO and co-founder, David de Picciotto, said: “Europa Worldwide Group is one of the largest independent logistics operators in the UK, and we’re thrilled it has chosen Pledge to support its customers on their sustainability journeys.

“The partnership proves that enterprise logistics companies are taking note of customer requirements to report emissions and decarbonise operations.”