The DfT has detailed the technical specification that will apply to “improved” safety mirrors on all new HGVs sold from July of next year.
The adoption of the improved mirrors last week (16 December), championed by the UK government, will be implemented to reduce vehicle blindspots and boost vulnerable road user safety as a consequence.
According to the DfT, “The requirement is a larger ground plane area that the driver has to be able to see on the passenger side of the vehicle.
“This has been increased from the existing requirement of 2m to 4.5m from the side of the truck adjacent to the cab.”
It will apply to new HGVs (over 3.5 tonnes) where the class V mirror is fitted at least 2.4m from the ground.
“Manufacturers are free to choose how to comply with the technical requirement, which is performance based rather than prescribing particular mirrors.
"A combination of Class VI (wide angle), Class V (close proximity and Class VI - front) mirrors can be used to meet the requirement,” the DfT added.
Christopher Snelling, head of national and regional policy at FTA, said: "We're very happy with this as it's exactly the sort of approach to safety we want.
"This is how to make real gains. Incremental improvements that are not disruptive to business."
Snelling said that the "improved mirrors" would be a marked improvement and should be rolled-out through HGV fleets quickly given the typical renewal cycle in the sector.