
Dawsonrentals has signed an exclusive four-year deal with truck tyre retreader Bandvulc.

Under the terms of the deal, Bandvulc will collect tyres from Dawsonrentals' 11,000 strong truck and trailer fleet and retreading them as needed.

The partners have worked together for a number of years but chose to formalise the relationship.

Peter Snowden, engineering director of the Dawsonrentals operation, said: “Our central maintenance team will remain in control of which tyres are removed from our vehicles, and Bandvulc will then collect and deal with them on our behalf.

“They currently produce over 200,000 retreads a year in the UK, with some 200 pattern/size combinations available, so we are confident they can deliver for us.”

Bandvulc’s group commercial director, Phil West, said: “Dawsonrentals values the thorough inspection service we carry out on all tyres we take in from them through our Ivybridge, Wigan and Lutterworth centres.

“Each tyre is individually checked and we then make the decision on behalf of Dawsonrentals as to whether it is still usable, suitable for retreading or needs to be scrapped.”

Snowden said: “We deal regularly with blue chip customers in own-account, logistics and haulage, and it is an added bonus for them to know that we partner with companies such as Bandvulc, which, for example, like us has contracts with many of the major supermarket fleets.”