AM Widdowson & Son ended its days with a whimper, after a CVA and two pre-pack administrations left little more than a husk, a new progress report confirms.

Following the Leicester-based haulier’s purchase by Malta registered HLD Group in 2015, it went through the insolvency process several times under the administration of Leonard Curtis, leaving unsecured creditors £10m out of pocket collectively.

Via a number of legal entities it remained under the ultimate control of HLD Group, which is headed by Demis Ohandjanian.

However, by the time of its final administration in January 2017, now under the name of Widdowson Logistics, the sale of vehicles, trailers and fuel to Birds Transport Leicester and garage and office equipment, racking, general plant and vehicles to Glenfield Storage Solutions respectively, raised just £98,000.

As recently as 2016 the business raised £2.5m in a sale and had 220 employees, and it was only in the year to 31 August 2015 that annual turnover was still £32m.

Following the sale Leonard Curtis struck service agreements with Birds Transport Leicester and Glenfield Storage Solutions – both ultimately controlled by Ohandjanian and HLD Group – and based at the same registered address as the ill-fated Widdowson on the Mill Lane Industrial Estate, Leicester.

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The deal with Glenfield related to the pallet repair division of the business. It meant Glenfield was able to use the unsold garage equipment, office equipment, general plant, racking and additional unencumbered motor vehicles as part of the deal.

In turn 70% of the profit made by Glenfield will be retained but the remainder will be used in the Widdowson Logistics insolvency process.

The Birds Transport Leicester Services deal, on the same terms, was to allow a ‘number of key contracts with customers’ to be completed to preserve the value of the work underway.

However, the progress report - covering the period 22 July 2017 to 22 January 2018 - states that neither Glenfield or Birds made any profit during the service agreement period. Instead Birds Transport Leicester was shuttered last February with the loss of all jobs.

In regards Glenfield, the 39 employees, plant and machinery etc, of the pallet division moved under TUPE to unconnected company Pooling Partners Service Centre Glenfield as of the 1 March 2017.

Glenfield Storage Solutions remains listed as active at Companies House as a business involved in letting and operating real estate.