New Europa Renault Trucks 3 - resized

Europa Road has taken delivery of five new high spec Renault T range 6 x 2440 13 L trucks and will add another five to its 50-strong fleet in May.

The move is part of an ongoing replacement strategy with the aim of renewing the whole artic fleet over the next two years.

The company said this latest investment is putting driver comfort at the forefront as part of a wider strategy to attract and retain HGV drivers in the face of the ongoing driver shortage.

The new additions to the fleet come with high end features in the cab’s design - including a microwave, a fridge, and an inverter.

There is also extra storage capacity for both food and personal items, to make the driver more comfortable when away from home for days at a time.

Dan Cook, operations director for Europa Road, said: “As part of the expansion of the full and part load unaccompanied business, Europa has increased its artic fleet to support the desire to undertake more inhouse port haulage.

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“This means a change to the traditional Europa UK haulage model, where the day starts and finishes at Dartford, and an increase in ‘tramping,’ meaning the vehicle and driver are away from base for several days at a time.

“For this reason, now more than ever, it is necessary to ensure the most appropriate equipment to reflect comfort and facilities for drivers is provided.”

Speaking about the latest upgrades, Malcolm Castle, general manager of domestic transport at Europa Road, said: “It is absolutely critical that our vehicles are kept in the best possible condition to enable our European road freight sales network to operate seamlessly and without interruption.

“The introduction of these five new top-spec Renault Trucks, with more to follow, show our drivers that they are valued and that we will go the extra mile to ensure they can do their job in comfort and in safety.

“Our drivers are the beating heart of Europa Road’s operations, and we want them to know we will always strive to invest in the best possible vehicles on the market.”

The company said it is also considering other adjustments that might be made following government support for more aerodynamic features and longer cabs to reduce fuel consumption.