
With its tangible presence and lasting impression, print advertising captures the audience of Road Transport Media across the world


Placeholder Flavour text about the magazines


Placed within the print and accompanying digital issue of your choice. 

The following measurements are as follows

Double Page SpreadFull PageHalf Page Vertical

Bleed 426mm (w) x 303mm (h)

216mm (w) X 303mm (h)



Trim 420mm (w) x 297mm (h)

210mm (w) X 297mm (h)



Type area 400mm (w) x 275mm (h)

190mm (w) X 275mm (h)


93mm (w) X 275mm (h)


Half Page HorizontalQuarter PageHalf Page Vertical

190mm (w) X 136mm (h)


93mm (w) X 136mm (h)

93mm (w) X 275mm (h)


Third PageQuarter Page HorizontalEighth Page Horizontal

Type area 190mm (w) X 90mm (h)


190mm (w) X 66mm (h)


190mm (w) X 31mm (h)


Please submit all content in a high-resolution digital format at 300 dpi, either in PDF or JPG. Ensure that all files, including images and logos, are saved in CMYK color mode, not RGB. For graphics and logos created with Xpress, InDesign, and Illustrator, save them in TIFF/EPS/JPG format, but please avoid using JPG encoding.

Lead time:  Deadline unique to each print issue.

Reporting: Number of impressions (digital issue only).

PDF / Artwork Specifications

To ensure maximum quality finish artwork should be supplied to a PDFx/1a industry standard.

If this is not possible please try to follow the below outlines.

• Compatibility - When producing a PDF ensure that the compatibility is no greater than a PDF 1.4.

• Fonts - All fonts need to be embedded within the PDF.

• Colours - ICC colour profiles, Lab colours, RGB images and spot colours are not to be used.

All colours should be set to a CMYK process colour output.

• Images - Logos, photos and graphics should all have a minimum output of 300 dpi.

• Bleed - A bleed as that is designed to flow off the sides of a page. This should be clearly

indicated using a crop or bleed marks with a minimum of 3mm added to the trim size.

  • Full Page


    Full Page

  • Half Page


    Half Page Horizontal

  • Half page vertical


    Half Page Vertical

  • Quarter Page horizontal


    Quarter Page Horizontal

  • Quarter Page vertical


    Quarter Page Vertical