Opinion – Page 7

  • Peter Mansfield 1

    Lessons learned: How supermarkets are adapting to surge in delivery demand


    The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent nationwide lockdown created a fundamental shift in consumer demand and expectation from supermarkets.With many shoppers unwilling or unable to leave their homes and physical stores struggling with excessive queuing and empty shelves, it’s no surprise that online grocery sales grew by 92%, ...

  • Mads Friis Jensen

    Methanol could be another option as a low carbon fuel for heavy trucks


    Electrification of road transport is gaining momentum as a solution for long-term decarbonisation of the global transportation sector.For light-duty vehicles, direct electrification with batteries is a promising and energy-efficient candidate for reducing CO2 and other harmful emissions. It is also a potential solution for heavy-duty trucks with short-range requirements and ...

  • Robin Woodbridge

    Logistics and transport sector must build on a new level of awareness created by the Covid-19 pandemic


    Back in February, before the UK’s nationwide Covid-19 lockdown, internet sales as a percentage of total retail sales stood at just 18% and few people understood (or cared) how the goods they ordered online, or picked from the supermarket shelf, actually arrived at their final destination.On 16 March, when the ...

  • Dominic_Bartholdi

    Logistics firms missing out on government grants for R&D


    We find that companies from all sectors have the potential to claim UK R&D tax relief. For tax purposes the definition of R&D is very broad.We know that logistics businesses of all kinds are benefitting from innovative technology which is constantly streamlining their processes and allowing them to work more ...

  • Derek_Bryan

    How the pandemic has accelerated the changing role of the HGV driver


    Photo: Johnny Bambury/Fennell PhotographyThe life of a professional driver has changed dramatically over the last few years, with technology playing a huge part in this. One man and his truck has turned into one person, their truck and their digital toolbox.Drivers are now part of a hyper-connected organisation joined up ...

  • Alex Knowles

    All operators have a moral duty to cut carbon emissions


    After a sizeable reduction of pollution and greenhouse emissions in recent months due to the pandemic, transport operators will be put under even greater pressure to help reduce emissions and improve their carbon footprint.But to have a tangible impact in reducing our carbon footprint a green environmental policy needs to ...

  • Trucks on highway

    Turbulent times for the UK haulage sector


    The coming 12 months will see us released from lockdown, though challenges remain with the Christmas peak, IR35 tax reforms, VAT repayments and Brexit border controls coming into force. Not to mention the possibility of a second wave of Covid-19.Our revised and updated report 'The impact of Covid-19: a roadmap ...

  • Caroline Moody

    Lower duty essential to fueling post-Covid-19 recovery


    When it comes to fuelling an economic recovery, maintaining the current low price of diesel should be a priority for the government.With prices already starting to rise, I’d urge chancellor Rishi Sunak reduce fuel duty over the next 12 months to compensate for any increase at the pumpsWith most goods ...

  • Louisa Hosegood

    Flexing the stockroom for a ‘new’ retail supply chain future


    Even before coronavirus, bricks and mortar retailers were facing an existential crisis. Soaring business rates, rent reviews, and minimum wages were already putting pressure on the size and scale of physical shops.And against the increasing appeal of online shopping to a conscious, discriminating and tech-savvy market, the role of bricks ...

  • Article

    Most operators need Category C+E driver apprenticeship


    In reference to the article by David Coombes in the latest edition of Motor Transport (6 July) I would again wish to comment on the assumptions made.Unfortunately, Skills for Logistics have been reluctant to accept the wishes of the majority of operators in the industry, who want a Category C+E ...

  • tevva.051

    Covid-19... How we coped and what we've learnt


    Keith Broom, finance director, Suttons GroupThe Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on supply chains across the globe, particularly the ISO-tank market which uses specialist equipment and relies on a balance of flows.The impact of “lockdowns” initially hit the manufacturers of product at the beginning of the supply chain, ...

  • Michel Waterschoot

    Making tomorrow a better world in logistics


    The health crisis that we are currently experiencing, as well as its financial and economic consequences, should not mean we lose sight of the opportunities that can be leveraged today to help businesses continue growing and developing.This situation should be used as an opportunity to identify weaknesses and design innovative ...

  • Dave Howorth

    No-deal Brexit will only add to Covid-19 woes


    Last night’s news that we are now a major step closer to a damaging no-deal Brexit will be extremely unwelcome to the vast number of businesses that will be affected by this decision. Months of chaos caused by Covid-19 have further disrupted supply chains, and provided a worrying preview of ...

  • Sean Turner

    Phasing in border controls could put extra pressure on cashflow


    The government’s recent decision to phase in the introduction of customs controls on goods entering Great Britain from the EU from the start of 2021 has been widely welcomed as a "pragmatic" move, allowing UK hauliers more time to adjust. However, they could also put extra pressure on cashflow.On 12 ...

  • Charlie Shiels

    Planning ahead for the new normal


    As the world slowly starts to return to become more familiar, with the non-essential shops opening, us being able to socialise a bit more and seeing our families and the dream of having a pie and a pint almost within grasp, it seems like a good opportunity to look both ...

  • John Maguire

    Take this opportunity to reconfigure warehouse layouts to improve efficiency


    Food and FMCG companies must take steps to organise themselves now if they are going to have the right warehouse infrastructure in place to meet post-lockdown trading conditions.In the early stages of the Covid-19 crisis fears over shortages of food and other essential items prompted panic buying in supermarkets across ...

  • Carl Lyon

    What can we learn from swine flu?


    The coronavirus is not my first pandemic. Back in 2009 when I was working in depot operations, I remember being briefed on a potentially dangerous virus called swine flu that was prevalent across the globe.I was tasked with implementing a range of safety measures across our depots to prevent transmission ...

  • charlie shiels arrowxl

    After the dark days, some semblance of normality returns


    After the dark and uncertain days of late March, here at ArrowXL we have now settled down into a more stable rhythm. Our plan is to simply carry on doing what we are doing which means continuing our focus on employee and customer safety whilst delivering the items people want. ...

  • Chris Mills

    Major changes for supply chains predicted post-Covid-19


    The coronavirus pandemic will prove to be a defining moment for supply chains. CH Robinson supports some 119,000 customers globally through its multi-modal logistics platform, and we believe that recent events around the world will transform the logistics landscape, leading to significant technological investment, heightened risk management, new levels of ...

  • Sponsored content

    SPONSORED: Sustainability in the haulage industry


    Sustainability is a hot topic as of late. Open any mainstream news website and it won’t take you long to find content focused on anything from limiting pollution to reducing waste plastic.As haulage plays a crucial part in a vast number of industries from waste collection to food delivery, it ...