As a senior executive in the UK truck industry for more than 40 years I am very surprised to learn that no truck manufacturer will be present at the 2016 CV Show.

I am very aware of the cost of exhibiting at such an event and the economic circumstances of recent years have definitely refocused company expenditure. However, I believe there should be no excuses for three days every year not to show what you are about - especially when the industry needs to boost its image in many ways.

There are still plenty of issues for any vehicle manufacturer to highlight not least of which are:

• The environmental credentials of manufacturers

• The driver shortage - maybe show what training is available and for £30,000 arrange to offer 10 new driver licences

• New technology- especially fleet management options

• Autonomous vehicles

• A glimpse of the future especially next years new models

There is so much more to show than just displaying new metal. How about arranging ‘a meet the politicians day' to show them what is happening to this industry and get them to provide more support in parliament?

Or arranging a meeting with the DVSA to show them how far manufacturers and their networks have progressed with ATF's and general service levels.

I think this is an opportunity missed. What does the SMMT have to say about this? It almost looks like a boycott.

Des Evans, honorary professor, Aston Centre for Servitization Research and Practice